Thursday, February 09, 2006

Official Google Blog: Defending the future of books

Official Google Blog: Defending the future of books: "On Monday, University of Michigan President Mary Sue Coleman gave a moving speech to the AAP (American Association of Publishers) about the reasons why the university is participating in the Google Book Search Library Project. She explained how copyright law supports fair use, and eloquently observed that the loss of books, whether due to natural disasters or inevitable physical decay, is a significant cultural loss. "

Monday, February 06, 2006

Cash-Strapped States Eye Tollway Leases - Yahoo! News

Cash-Strapped States Eye Tollway Leases - Yahoo! News: "Privately operated toll roads are slowly catching on in the United States after decades of popularity in Europe and, more recently, South America, Australia and other nations. The roads are attractive to investors because they offer long-term, stable revenue from tolls."

Could we be moving towards more private roads?